First days of Disneyworld

Here we are with a two year old at Disneyworld. Rob and I were pretty sure that it was too soon to bring him, and I have to admit something to you. We were totally and completely wrong. All the magic we feel with this little man every day is amped up to eleven at Disneyworld.

I’m not going to lie, the plane ride was not the most fun – at least the first hour. But then he settled in and did a nice job for the rest of the flight. We rented a car, stopped off for some supplies and got to Mickey’s house early evening. He knew we were going to Mickey Mouse’s house. He had been telling everyone he came in contact with – and I wonder what his little mind thought it would be like? Probably Mickey Mouse Club? With Tootles meeting us to pick up our luggage? He was sleeping when we arrived, but woke up just long enough to find Mickey Mouse ears made out of beach balls and bubbles on the carpet. The pattern repeated itself over and over, so it took us quite a while to excitedly make our way down the hallway to our room. We enjoyed the view of ‘Mickey’s Pool’, but we were all pretty pooped, so we turned in early to get ready for the next day.

The first real day at Disney started off with a bang: we got to ride a bus. And he got to sit like a big boy – no car seat, no seat belt. I’m pretty sure we could have turned around there and his vacation would have been complete – but Mickey had more in store for us. We had been talking about all the things Mickey was planning for his visit – we told him that we had called and found out that they were making ice cream, filling up special balloons, making fireworks, planting flowers and practicing parades. And sure enough, as we first set foot in the Magic Kingdom – Mickey started the parade. The timing was so perfect that I was pretty sure that it really *was* magic. We followed the parade down to the big castle, and on the way we saw such wonders as birdies – and a guy blowing bubbles. Magic everywhere. Mommy and Daddy also got more kisses then ever, so I’m convinced that somehow Mickey knows how to make everyone’s dream come true.

Our first ride was Small World. We have noticed that when Brendan is experiencing something new, he gets a very serious face – he studies every detail and doesn’t do a lot of smiling. We kept a close eye on him, but we weren’t exactly sure what he thought of it. When the boat stopped and it was time to get off, he looked up at us and said, ‘I wanna go again!’. So happy. We road it again the next day and this time he was pointing to all the flowers and birdies and moons and hearts and even trying to sing along.

As we walked we came across a splashing water area right in the middle of the street. Brendan grabbed my hand and said, ‘Mommy – let’s go!’. So of course we did. It doesn’t really sound too bad to get wet in the 90 degree Florida heat.

Then it was onto Dumbo. We got to ride in an Elephant, and Brendan got to drive him up and down. There was no mistaking that he liked that one.

We went on Peter Pan next – and that one was a little dark for our boy. He never got really scared, but at the darkest part of the ride, he said, “I wanna go home”. I felt so sad. Daddy and I held him tight and reminded him that when we’re all together, we’re home – and when the ride was over, he announced that he wanted to go again. Relief. Though we did not go again. We have figured out that the experiential rides are not his favorite – he’s more of a thrill seeker.

Our boy was getting tired, and the cousins had arrived, so we made our way out of the park, picking up a Mickey shaped ice cream sandwich, and a balloon with blue Mickey ears inside on the way out. He fell asleep on the bus ride home, and took a nap before we visited the cousins.

By way of introduction, let me say that the first evening when we asked what his favorite part of the day was, it was the message goofy left for him on the phone. Day one he loved the fireworks most of all. And on day 2 – a day filled with more rides and swimming pools and sand castles and ice cream, when we asked Brendan what his favorite part of the day was, he said, “Brett, Brady and Michael”. This boy loves his cousins, and they love him. From the moment they saw each other they have been a pile of laughter and hugs and running and jumping. Each cousin wants to sit next to Brendan at meals and on rides, and Brendan is very happy to oblige. Rob and I ate an entire meal while Brett entertained, even letting Brendan steal his fries. So the cousin love continues. They started out with a trip to the arcade and one of the games involved sitting on a motorcycle. Brendan stayed there pretty much the entire time we were in the arcade. I need to think of ways to make motorcycles seem less exciting by the time he’s old enough to ride. Grandma – no showing him pictures of Mommy on the scooter!

(I particularly love that last picture because Brady came over and asked me to take a picture of him with Brendan.)

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The day kept going with a walk over to Epcot. We watched the Turtle Show with Crush from Finding Nemo, and Brendan has been saying, “Dooood” ever since. The boys all sat on the floor, and Rob and I sat with them. My favorite part of the show was how Brendan kept leaning over to pat or hug his cousins throughout the show. And whatever they did, he did. If they raised their hand to ask a question, so did he. I kept wondering what he would do if they called on him. Knowing my son, he probably would have asked a question!

Then we got to meet Mickey, Pluto and Minnie. We had seen the characters in the parade, but we weren’t quite sure what he would do when he saw them up close. The first thing he did was run up to Mickey and give him a hug. He was SO excited. And we have definitely confirmation that Minnie is his favorite. Not only did he hug her and not let go – but he gave her a kiss on the nose. The next morning he announced to us, “I love Minnie. I gave her a kiss on her nose.” It’s ironic that we had to miss Harper’s birthday party today, and she had a Minnie Mouse theme. Maybe it’s all tied together…

(I love the pictures of him getting so excited for his turn to meet Minnie – and how he didn’t want to stop hugging her. Grandpa wanted to get a picture with her, and he ran right in to join them. When I was a little girl, I went running across the street at Disneyland to get her autograph and fell down on the street and skinned my knee. I remember crying for Mommy with tears filling my eyes so I couldn’t see – suddenly I was getting a hug, and when I finally looked up, it was Minnie who was hugging me. Minnie is pretty special.)

A storm was threatening, so we made our way closer to the hotel, but went to Grandma and Grandpa’s balcony where we could see the fireworks. Again, we weren’t sure how he would react – but he loved them. When we opened up the drapes this morning he looked out and said, ‘Fireworks?’ ‘BOOM!’. We are going to keep him up late enough to see them in the park one of these nights, but tonight was not the night. He was pooped.

The morning at the pool wiped him out. He loves the water. Brady and Michael had brought their old float for him to wear – and he wore it for about 15 minutes before deciding that he was done. I think if his cousins were wearing one, he would have worn one too – but he wants to do EXACTLY what they are doing. He bravely went down the small water slide all by himself (with Mommy or Daddy at the bottom to catch him) – and wanted to do it again and again. He built sand castles with shovels and pales – and he even decided he wanted to start jumping off the side into Daddy’s arms. My little adrenaline junky. A short nap, more rides, a light up wand and another ice cream finished up the day nicely and then he was ready for bed. But since we are all sleeping in the same room, he takes advantage of our undivided attention for extra hugs (always works on Mommy) and tonight he started clapping and laughing – and then told me that he had sand on his feet and needed help. There wasn’t any sand on his feet, but as I wiped his toes he laughed and told me it tickled. I love it when we all sleep in the same room because he wakes up laughing and wants to snuggle in bed with us.

I wasn’t sure we could squeeze in any more joy into our already joy packed life – but I forgot that vacation land, no matter where we are – when we can just spend time together as a family – is always even better. I thought I would miss the pre-baby days of sleeping in, and reading a book by the pool all day – but somehow chasing after a little person with a bottle of sunscreen is even better. Tonight we watched the Monsters show where they collected laughter to run their city. Apparently I run on Brendan’s laughter and love – with extra jolts from hugs and kisses. Of course the memories and pictures are my favorite souvenier – but today I got one more special one. We were waiting for the bus (hooray!) and Brendan walked over and picked something up off the ground. He handed it to me and said, “I heart you”. It was a heart shaped leaf. Of course my two year old son doesn’t know that I’ve been collecting heart shaped leaves and rocks for years – even finding a similar leaf on my honeymoon. I have pictures of heart shaped pumpkins and banana peppers and even lint and other such wonders. I don’t know why he picked it up, and why he handed it to me saying that exact phrase, but I can only believe it’s part of the magic.

More tomorrow.

(and Mom, if this wasn’t enough – there are more pictures here.)

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