I’m still taking far more videos than I am stills since I am following a quickly moving target – so please forgive this video heavy post.
Brendan continues to wow us with his ability to express himself. On the way to school one morning, his shoe fell off. Daddy was hurrying to get to a meeting and took Brendan out of the car without noticing. They started walking and suddenly Brendan said, “My shooooooooe!”. He also touches me with his big heart – he heard a little child crying somewhere outside our house, and ran to the window saying, “People sad!” He always wants to help if he can. Of course, sometimes other toddler expressions sneak their way in, but his big heart always shows itself to be his most authentic expression. One night I was saying something about my baby, and Brendan said, with a big smile on his face, “Brendan no baby – Brendan big boy”. Mommy cried. If my baby can tell me he is a big boy, then he most certainly is – though he will always be my baby.
This big boy decided that he really likes his very first lego set. Right now he chooses it over his bottle or books or even a movie on TV. He had to take the puppy that came with it up to bed one night. So appropriate that he had chosen his Santa PJ’s because he got these legos for Christmas last year. (Thanks Aunt Peach!)
At the park this weekend, Brendan was fearless in trying the big slide. This boy is an adrenaline junky, and always wants to go down, ‘myself’ – but Mommy and Daddy follow close behind:
After we took the movie of him going down the slide we put the camera away. The next time up, he waited at the top of the slide and said, “picture?”. I’m certainly not going to let that request fall on deaf ears:
I got to school one evening and Brendan was in the pit (no big surprise) but I found him with Harper and Ruby practicing their somersaults:
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Clearly this practice made Brendan ready for what we saw this weekend: a girl practicing her gymnastics in a little park. He was studying her, and we weren’t sure what would happen so I started the camera rolling:
Thank goodness I was still rolling when he attempted a back bend:
We got his pre-birthday haircut this weekend, but left that gorgeous blond hair a little longer and surfer-boy-ish for summer. We take him to a hipster place and they asked if he wanted a little colored hair gel. Of course we did!
Don’t worry Grandma, it washed out when we went swimming that very afternoon.
We are off to the grocery store – Brendan announced to me this afternoon that he had to “go see my peach guy”. He is such a treasure. And much to my amazement, my heart still finds the capacity to love him even more each day.