Monthly Archives: November 2011

Thats my boy!

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The view

This is the current view from where Brendan and I are snuggling. More photos from the Gianino Christmas-ing when we’re not so comfortable. order generic viagra One thing you should take care to honestly reflect who you are on your … Continue reading

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Bad Manners

No shirt and banging his spoon at the dinner table?  I guess he’sConcentrated inhibition is essential since nitric oxide within the body particularly in the viagra prescription steal here penile region. buy sildenafil 100mg No matter what causes the erectile … Continue reading

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We thought he was going to eat them begrudgingly, but then he let us know that he was not a fan of peas. We tried again today, andThese suppliers are certified by law to sildenafil prices supply their products in … Continue reading

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The Pooch and The Trail

Every day Chelsea gets some kind of fun – either a run at the school nearby, or a hike up the trail behind our house. I usually pick the trail because I love to be up there looking down toward … Continue reading

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Full Circle

When I was growing up, our neighbors across the street had two baby boys. I had a special bond with each of them, and have many fond memories of them standing at the very corner of their yard and yelling … Continue reading

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Black Friday

Rob got a wild hair this year and decided that we should experience ‘Black Friday’. We started with lofty plans, but eventually decided that we would just scoot over to Target at midnight to see what all the hype was … Continue reading

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All four of us had a wonderful couple of days at Grandma and Grandpa Casler’s house. Our extended family, The Leong’s, invited us to spend Thanksgiving at their house this year – actually, we sort of invited ourselves over, but … Continue reading

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Toes are tasty too

My fingers included in some of the frames at noYou overnight cialis must also place the capsule in secure place wherein children and ladies cannot get on. Cancer and Bowel Surgery One of the known primary reasons for bowel surgery … Continue reading

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Sweet potatoes are much better

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Love and Thanksgiving

Most people have probably not experienced adoption as intimately as we have. And so I know it must be hard to understand the feelings we have for Meredith. Unknowing strangers might look at adoption with a sense of fear, and … Continue reading

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First Balloon

I think he liked it.

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Bath time at Grandma and Grandpas

It is a nearly another frill for the sorts of events that are frequented by those who have been described as “the cheese and wine people”. usa viagra no prescription Thus, children and adults with autism have difficulties in swallowing … Continue reading

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It’s good to be the boss.

Okay, I don’t mean to get all Oprah on you, but I just can’t get enough thankfulness.   That’s why every year I use my position of power for devious good. The mail to my group: Hi Group – I love … Continue reading

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First tantrum

Okay, it’s only fair to point out that Brendan was ready for his morning nap, but today he threw his first tantrum.  He has a new favorite toy, and Daddy had the audacity to take it awayA reputable online pharmacy … Continue reading

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The memory that keeps running through my mind is one that happened right before The Captain was born. Rob and I had just arrived after a long night of travel, at the hospital in Iowa. Meredith had the slight daze … Continue reading

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First Food

At our last check-up, the doctor told us that Brendan could start food at 5 months if he met certain criteria, one of them being that he seemed interested in the food we were eating. This week he turns 5 … Continue reading

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First overalls

Daddy dressed him today. I think he made a good choice. Just iphone pics since I’m already late to work. Oops. Won’t be the first time I’m late because I couldn’t resist the little guy. And it won’t be the … Continue reading

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Harvest Festival

Brendan’s school had a special Harvest Festival/Potluck on Wednesday.  There was a sign-up sheet, and there was a spot open for dessert – but it clearly said a “non-sugar dessert”.  So I asked the teachers what they wanted me to … Continue reading

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Beach Chalet at Sunset

We were so happy to have Uncle Blake come up for a visit – and even more excited that his parents also met us for a late lunch/early dinner (lunner?) at the Beach Chalet in SF – literally a block … Continue reading

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