Getting Our Groove

I’m happy to report that three days in we are feeling much more competent than we did when we first arrived home.  We still have a way to go, but we are starting to get our rhythm.  And when I say ‘we’, I’m talking about Rob and I – Brendan has been comfortable all along.  We have been working our way through some of the major items on the to do list, and remembering to take time to just enjoy this new little man who lives in our home.  Auntie Gabe came by to visit, and we were so glad to be able to thank her in person for taking such good care of our house and our pooch.  Speaking of pooches, whenever Rob or I get home, Chelsea wags her tail and gets all happy and excited.   Today, when I brought Brendan downstairs from his nap, Chelsea got just as excited to see him.  It made me so happy I almost cried.

And is it just me, or does this little guy get cuter and cuter every day?  And doesn’t he look adorable in baby blue?  Do all babies look good in baby blue?  Is that why it’s called ‘baby blue’?

You may be wondering why there is a picture of tiny potatoes in here… they were Brendan sized!  And they were delicious.
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