I tend to worry about things before they happen. I’m not proud of this, it’s not a good idea and often wastes a lot of energy unnecessarily. But sometimes it works out in that I’m prepared for big emotions before they happen. When I can plan for the worst, sometimes I’m better able to see the best in the situation. This is why I’m doubly surprised when I don’t see it coming. I guess I was caught up in Brendan’s excitement over the Big Boy Bed. We had picked out his Superman sheets together, he had seen the bed in the garage all week and three days ago, he even gave up his binky on his own so that he would be ready for his Big Boy Bed. So when I returned from grocery shopping this evening, and found his crib dismantled in the hallway, I didn’t expect the flood of emotions – even though they should have been totally predictable. My baby is growing up. I know it’s time for all of these things, but I can’t help but remember how it felt to set up his crib before he was even ours. As exciting as it was, it was a little scary – and as much as I wanted to see a crib in that room, it felt a little out of place. And I guess that’s how the big boy bed looks to me right now.

We set it up for nap time, and I insisted that we leave the crib in there “just in case”. I’m not sure what the “just in case” would have entailed, but my husband has learned not to try and talk sense into me when I get these plans. Brendan and Daddy got their tool boxes together and made an excellent team. And Brendan was VERY excited about his bed – for everything other than sleep.

It was 3:00 when we finally gave up our trying and brought him downstairs. And even though I had cuddled with him in his bedroom chair as we have every night of his life, when we cuddled on the couch downstairs he was asleep in about 5 minutes. I understand – I truly do, changed is hard for his Mommy too. I laid him in his Big Boy Bed and sat glued to the baby monitor for any signs of wakefulness. Three hours later he finally peeped. And he was so proud of himself for waking up in his new bed. So was I.
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When I started writing this at 9:00, I had just heard Daddy leave his bedroom, and I haven’t heard a peep sense. Wish us luck.
Truly, the Big Boy Bed is awesome – not only does the mattress have to be more comfortable, but Mommy and Daddy can get in bed with Brendan to read stories and cuddle. This afternoon he DID NOT want us in his bed, but tonight he got it and we had a major snuggle session date with Cinderella. He still doesn’t want any blanket or pillow on his bed that is not Superman, but at least we finally got him to let us drape his cute quilt over the foot of his bed.

He’s so, so great. Today at the park he was running in the field and yelled, “DADDY!! I LOVE YOU!!!”. He saw the silky ribbon tie on the waist of my flannel pajamas and told me, “You’re a princess!”. He tells us great stories, and has favorite things, and he still cries if we try and make him wear anything other than ‘soft pants’. He plays ‘pretend’ all the time with so many creative ideas. He builds awesome play-doh sculptures – he loves Superman AND Cinderella – and here is what he had to say about the moon:

And now there is no bottle, no binky, a big boy bed – and he has pretty much potty trained himself. Last week after several hours at the farmers market, we were walking around the big lake looking at all the ducks and I saw him holding his crotch for the first time. I asked him, “Brendan, do you have to go potty?” His reply was no, as usual, but when Daddy took him behind some bushes and let him do his first outdoor peepee, his diaper was bone dry and he watered the plants for what felt like five minutes straight. After we get through the newness of the bed, we’ll move on to big boy underwear. And yeah, I’ll probably be sad someday when we don’t need the changing table, but I’m confident that all these changes will just reveal a boy who keeps getting better and better.

Morning update: he slept all night in his big boy bed without one wake-up, and got up at 6:30 – which in this family, is almost like sleeping in. Good job Brendan, and good job Big Boy Bed.

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