Daily Disney

The internets are cooperating tonight, so a few gems from the day:
The internets were not cooperating after all. It didn’t get my pictures last night, but hopefully they are there now!

– More pool time: more duck hunting at the pool, Mommy and Daddy sneaking off to take a quick ride on the adult water slide, a little girl giving Brendan one of her balloons (and she picked the blue one), Brendan learning to get in and out of the pool all by himself. (when we asked him tonight was his favorite part of the day was, he said, “swimming pool”.)

(that last picture isn’t a pool picture, it’s just cute. we pass this little seat in the hall on the way to our room. one night daddy let brendan climb on it. from then on, every time we pass he announces that he climbed on top and wants to do it again. we have also expanded our repertoire of things we point to on the carpet. we now have: beach ball mickey, bubble mickey, star fish, sea horse, turtle, shovel… it takes us a loooong time to get to our room, and everyone who passes us has a good giggle.)

– MGM Park Highlights (and a few from Epcot the day before): Seeing part of the Monsters University stage show, seeing the Disney show and watching the delight on his face as he sat clapping to the Mickey theme, and as the magic as thousands of bubbles dropped from the ceiling. He also kept trying to sit on Brett’s lap. Poor Brett. He wasn’t too upset though, at least once a day he asks us how long we are staying, and makes sure we are participating in at least most of the daily plans. More spontaneous hugs for all three cousins. Stealing Grandpa’s strawberry popsicle. Riding the Toy Story Arcade ride with Mommy and getting to wear 3D glasses. Getting caught in a storm and having to take a cramped bus home when they closed the boats due to lightning. I loved getting to cuddle up with my little man on a crowded bus with the rain pouring down outside.

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And speaking of lighting, we got to meet some special friends… Daddy was riding the Star Wars ride and we just happened on to them as we were wandering. We had to wait in line to meet them, and at one point Brendan got so excited he ran out the back of the line and up to greet them. The nice people behind us let us cut back in and when it was finally our turn, he wandered slowly around both Mater and Lightning – touching them, and peeking inside – and then he posed himself right in front of Lightning. Finally I told him it was time to go, and he said, “One more picture”. How could I ever resist that? I’m picking up a little James Dean here… Heaven help us.

The bus dropped us off at the hotel and we ate ice cream outside under a patio while it continued to rain outside. Then off to bed.

(Grandma, you’ll be happy to see that I got a vacation sized ice cream. It’s not quite as big as the scale to Brendan’s head would lead you to believe, but it was THREE SCOOPS!)

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