Before I forget

Last weekend was a whirlwind and I never really caught up, but since this has become my online journal of Brendan cuteness, there are a few things I must write down before they escape my brain:

Mama was treated to several bed time stories of her own:

– One night as we were sitting in his rocker talking about the day, he was sure that he NEEDED something on his bookshelf before he went to bed. He was pointing but I couldn’t see anything that would be of interest to him. We walked over to look, and he picked up a silver heart that chimes when you shake it. I always explain to Brendan that this heart is very special: Grandma gave it to me because she loves me so much, and that I gave it to him because I love him so much. He knows it carries extra love, and he decided that he needed to take it to bed that night. As I left the room, I heard the gentle chimes coming from his crib.

– Another night, he sang to me the first two lines of “Twinkle Twinkle” perfectly.

– We have been working on “Sorry”. He is so good at “please”, “scooze me”, and most of the time, “thank you” – but “sorry” is a tough one. We’ve talked about the fact that everyone occasionally does things that they regret – and that when those things happen, saying sorry helps the person to realize that you didn’t mean to do it. It hasn’t sunk in. One night we were sitting in the rocker when he was particularly tired and he said the only naughty words he knows: “Go Away”. I calmly told him that it hurt Mommy’s feelings, and immediately a quiet little “sorry” popped out of his mouth. I can assure you that it healed mommy’s hurt feelings immediately. That same night as I put him in bed, he told me “need more hug”. As I bent down to hug him he told me, “no – need more hug over there” (pointing to the rocker). I am the worlds biggest sucker for hugs and this line will always work on his mom until the end of time. Lets hope he doesn’t wise up in his teenage years.

Other non-bedtime cutes:

– I taught him one of my favorite songs from when I was a little girl – the 3 little fishies song. We play with three little fishies in the bath tub as I sing, and he has started to sing along with me. Especially the “CHU!” part. I love it. He has been really into singing recently, but still lots of times when Mommy sings, he tells me, “no singing Mommy”. So sad. He and Mommy have even started doing rock shows – and finally he and Daddy decided to do one for me. Things got a little out of hand when one of the musicians started attacking the audience:

– We always heard that when you get a second dog, that dog will pick up all the bad manors from the first dog. Nobody told us that was true of children, but now when Chelsea barks at dogs that dare to walk on our lawn, Brendan barks along with her. Lord help us.

– The other day in the car, Rob called his Mom. We asked Brendan if he wanted to say hello and he said no. We asked him why and he said, “I’m busy”. We laughed, even though we shouldn’t have. Later we asked him if he was ready to talk yet and he told us that he was “still busy”. I have tried to think of where he picked that up! Rob and I never tell him we are ‘busy’ but maybe at daycare they talk about needing to get busy? Either way, hilarious.

– One day I was putting him into his car seat, and he started brushing my bangs to the side. I brush his hair to the side ALL the time, and thought it was so sweet that he would lovingly do the same to me. I usually don’t refer to myself as “mom”, but when Brendan wakes up these days, he says, “Mom?” “Moooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm?” so I guess it’s starting to feel more natural.

– We went over to Frank and Jess’s house last weekend, and our small boy enjoyed their large couch very much.

– We also went out for frozen yogurt and Mister Big Boy sat at the table while I got his treat, and then proceeded to eat most of it all by himself, in a mostly non-messy fashion.

That last face is the “no more pictures” face. There will be plenty more pictures soon – The Gianino Family is going on vacation. Get used to the pictures, kid.

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