21 and up

On Friday, Brendan became a 21 month old, and to celebrate, we took him wine tasting this weekend.  Actually, Aunt Faren and Uncle Chris were in town – and since Chris is a fancy schmancy trained sommelier, we often get treated to a really awesome experience when he visits.  This was no exception.  We went to three different places, and the little man was a champ at each of them.  There were chickens and cows and sheep and donkeys, ponds to throw rocks in, gliders to build, and wide open spaces for running – made me wonder why wineries don’t advertise more to the kid crowd.

As usual, Brendan continues to impress us with new skills each day.  He continues his athletic tendencies with throwing and catching and running and jumping and shooting hoops.  He also continues to have a lot to say.  This week brought us, “See you later” or “See you tomorrow”, as well as octopus, helicopter, butterfly, bulldozer and many others.  He doesn’t nap on the way to and from work anymore, instead we chat about everything we see, what we did today, and what we’re going to do when we get home.  He’s my carpool buddy for sure.

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Other than that, Mommy has been trying to recover from her cold/loss of voice (I seem to be collecting them this year), so I had to recruit help with the chores.

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