Uphill Whee

Brendan and I were holding hands and running down the small hill of our driveway yelling, “wheeeeeee!” all the way down. When we turned around to head back up, Brendan took my hand and again called out, “wheeeeeee!” He is such a wise little man. While people like his mama tend to only yell “whee” on the downhill, I love how he knows that it’s just as possible to find reasons to be gleeful on the way up the hill.

Daddy has been in Massachusetts since Thursday. Grandpa Gianino was in the hospital with some scary health concerns that seem to at last be under control. There is nothing worse than watching the people we love hurt. But Rob got to fly home to be with his family for a few bonus days, and he and his sister and his mom and dad got to be together as a family for a few minutes. No kids, no spouses junking up the place… just the four of them in the family that was their nucleus for so longThis is exactly what they were trying to do-teach viagra sildenafil canada the pig to sing. When the gallbladder contracts and generico cialis on line http://appalachianmagazine.com/2019/12/05/a-heartfelt-christmas-story-from-1903/ squeezes out bile through the opened sphincter of Oddi into the duodenum. Prescription drugs in any cialis canada no prescription http://appalachianmagazine.com/category/news-headlines/?filter_by=popular case come expensive and cannot be obtained easily. For the nervous system to click here to find out more cialis on line do its job, two criteria are necessary. . I guess that’s the uphill whee in all of this. Time with the people you love. Not to mention amazing medical care. The other whee is that daddy is home! We missed him so much. And Grandpa seems to be past the steepest uphill, and toward the downhill of recovery – we couldn’t ask for a better Christmas present than that. Welcome home Grandpa!!

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One Response to Uphill Whee

  1. Linda says:

    Good tidings for sure!

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