
On Sunday February 12th, we had an official blessing for Brendan at church. This day was very special to us because it was exactly one year from the day when we learned that Meredith had chosen us. At this point, I might actually change the way I tell this story and say that it was the anniversary of the day that she figured out that we were the ones she had been looking for. It’s clear that all of us were meant to come together in this way, and I’m sure every year the Gianino family will mark the day with something special. I know I have told the story a million times – but I will never forget the emotion that came over me when I read Meredith’s mail and learned not only had she chosen us, but that we would have a son.

Our minister did a wonderful job incorporating all the special moments and people that surround Brendan’s birth, and Brendan’s life. And after the service, it was officially Brendan day at church. I should confess that Grandma Casler was the one who organized the party that followed – and since nothing could ever be too special for her Grandson, it felt more like a wedding reception than an after church gathering. There were fresh flower arrangements on every table, a whole board of pictures for people to admire, little favor bags of ‘hugs and kisses’ for people to take home, and so many treats that I don’t even think I got to try all of them. (Luckily, Grandma sent us home with a doggy bag). When they weren’t eating, people were standing in line to hold Brendan – and even though he was tired, he was a trooper until the very end. You will just notice that he gets a less smiley in the later pictures.

We asked our friends to take some photos for us during the service, and there is one picture that really got me. It’s not one that would stand out for anyone else, but at one point Jon walked Brendan down the aisle of the congregation, and William snapped a picture. It is taken at exactly the same place as one of one of my favorite wedding photos. That picture made everything snap into place in my head. This church building, these church people have been part of my life for 40 years. They stood with my parents when I was a baby. They stood with Rob and me as we said our vows. Now they stand with us as parents. Even before this official day, we were already so blessed.

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