First Date… for Mommy and Daddy.

Although we’ve been out to dinner and done lots of fun things with Brendan, we hadn’t been out just the two of us since he was born. Our company Christmas party was this weekend, and we figured that was as good a time as any. Grandma and Grandpa agreed to come babysit (it really took some arm twisting), and we headed out for our big night. We left about 7:30, and by 9:30 I told Rob I was ready to go home. He told me to ‘suck it up’ and we made it until 11:00ish. It was a dance theme – they had different stages with different kinds of music – and professional dancers putting on shows and giving lessons. The food was mainly 50’s diner feel – lots of fried things and pies. My favorite part was a tiny milkshake they handed us as soon as we walked in.

We all took pictures of each other. It felt like the prom. Except it’s harder to get a good shot of everyone when there is a baby involved. And I didn’t get a corsage. Other than that, just like the prom.

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One Response to First Date… for Mommy and Daddy.

  1. Linda says:

    Favorite pic–the one with the tongue out!!!

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