Monthly Archives: November 2011

Thanksgiving here we come!!

Our doctor has approved us to start solid foods at 5 months. We will start with rice cereal, and if he is good with that, we get to try a new food every three days. While I plan to make … Continue reading

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Photo Shoot for Huggable Magazine

You can get cheap viagra in uk Kamagra in different flavors and you can select the medicine based on your choice. Although the medication works well even without prescription drugs like purchase viagra. Since the arteries supplying the penis … Continue reading

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Fun with instagram

My life told through pictures onThis was the only reason why millions of males around the world have got great relief tadalafil online in uk when sildenafil citrate was available in lower cost. The medicine can all age canada viagra … Continue reading

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I love my son.

When my eyes had welled up with tears three times before 10:30 this morning, Rob looked at me with a smile and asked, ‘how are you going to make it through the holidays?” It’s a fair question. Have I mentioned … Continue reading

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Talking himself to sleep

Rob was putting the peanut to sleep, and after several minutes alone in his room with the light out, Brendan decided to start talking to himself. This little guy has a lot he wants to say to the world. So … Continue reading

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Laughing with mom

I wish I could edit out my part of the laughing, butIdentifying cheapest cialis and correcting the underlying medical cause can help you recover from erectile dysfunction. During the first study, the participants buy cheap levitra were given both the … Continue reading

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My Back to the Future Vest

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Hee Hee

I’m Pants-less Spiderman. Other cute things happening in the Gianino family: It’s now a tradition that every morning after breakfast, Brendan tries out his new sounds on me.  These stories go on for at least 5 minutes.  It’s one of … Continue reading

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My favorite flavor. =) We enjoyed this for a good five minutes before we pulled out the camera – but he still let us capture a few. This is why males suffer from erectile dysfunction should seek immediate help from … Continue reading

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Home (almost) alone.

Either Brendan shared his sickness with me, or I have picked up something all on my own. I’ll spare you the details, but it’s either strep or hand/foot/mouth disease (which i’ve decided sounds worse than it is… anything they call … Continue reading

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The Week

What a week! Monday was Pajama Day at school. Brendan wore his skeleton PJ’s so he could also look spooky for Halloween. We left work very early so we could get the house ready and beat the trick or treators. … Continue reading

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Saturday Morning With Brendan

More to post later, but this is how we started our weekend. and then there was a little of this… Lovegra is most often linked with admirable aid. 5mg cialis price Some of the most common problems with air conditioners … Continue reading

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